11th, 12th, 14th, 18th, 19th & 21st April 2025

Wondering About Wonderland

Alice in Wonderland Characters

The characters that Lewis Carroll created for Wonderland are some of the most well-known and beloved characters in all of fiction. Who wouldn’t immediately recognise Alice in her powder-blue dress, the grin of the Cheshire cat, or the immediate danger of a swift beheading when face to face with the Queen of He...

Alice Character in Alice in Wonderland

Alice, the curious and imaginative protagonist from Lewis Carroll’s 1865 masterpiece, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, adapted from his handwritten story Alice’s Adventures Under Ground and today more commonly referred to as Alice in Wonderland, has been a mainstay of fictional storytelling for clos...

The Caterpillar

The Caterpillar is another one of the pantheon of rich and cryptic creatures that Alice meets on her journey through Wonderland. Like many of the characters she meets, the Caterpillar is cryptic and all but straightforward, yet assists Alice in completing her journey with advice about how to navigate an otherwise co...

The Cheshire Cat

Imagination is the only weapon in the war with reality. The Cheshire cat This philosophy-quoting, suddenly-materialising, cryptic advice-dispensing feline has been a pop culture staple ever since we first encountered him in Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. We see him on t-shirts, tatt...

The Mad Hatter

Along with the protagonist, Alice, and the March Hare, the Mad Hatter is one of only three characters featured in both of the original Lewis Carroll Wonderland books. In the originals, he’s simply known as ‘The Hatta’, his mad antics and behaviour earning him his ‘mad’ hatter moniker in...

The Mad Tea Party

As someone watching the Mad Tea Party as an outsider, this fiasco of general madness, lunacy, and all-round absurdity is as entertaining and confusing as it gets. As Alice, it must have been as frustrating as frustrating can be as tries in vain to tell her story and find out where to go next. This memorable scene is...

The Queen of Hearts

First things first! The Queen of Hearts is NOT the same person as the Red Queen. A lot of people mistakenly believe that these two less-than-pleasant rulers are the same person. The Red Queen is the main antagonist in Through the Looking Glass, while the Queen of Hearts is introduced as the antagonist in Lewis Carro...

The White Queen

Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast! The White Queen This is the White Queen’s response to Alice, who refuses to believe the impossible fact that the beautiful and ethereal White Queen is in fact 101 years old. This wonderful Wonderland quote is just another...

The White Rabbit

Here’s a fun fact about the White Rabbit from the Alice in Wonderland universe that we bet you didn’t know – Lewis Carroll himself described him as a contrast or ‘the opposite’ of Alice. In his article Alice on the Stage, Carroll wrote that where Alice represents youth, audacity, vigour...

Tweedledum and Tweedledee

We’ve all heard variations of the terms Tweedledum and Tweedledee, whether it be from a scornful mother angry at our childhood antics, or an annoyed teacher referring to you and your fun-loving friend as ‘Tweedledum and Tweedledumber’. While technically an insult, being referred to in this way also...

Mad Hatters Tea Party